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Domestic Life With Pet Young Man Gives His Cat Meat Snack

Lecturer Penny Tai 戴更基

Penny Tai 戴更基醫師

Dr.Penny Tai, DVM, MVs, CVB

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  • 享譽國際的華人動物行為學家
  • 台灣中興大學獸醫學士
  • 澳洲雪梨大學獸醫理學碩士
  • 澳洲SYU CVE行為醫學課程助教
  • FASAVA亞洲小動物獸醫師聯合會講師
  • ABRA 亞洲動物行為資源協會創始人及主席
  • PennyAcademy 行為醫學和訓練課程導師
  • 大敦寵物行為專科醫院院長
  • 第一位在TEDx演講動物行為的華人
  • 多次登上國際媒體 :
    美國的 People & Travel、Taipei Times
  • 台灣康熙來了寵物診療室特約行為獸醫
  • 天天向上節目特邀寵物行為專家

【What !敢咬我!】

  • Internationally renowned Chinese animal behaviorist
  • Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, Zhongxing University, Taiwan
  • Master of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney, Australia
  • Australian SYU CVE Behavioral Medicine Course Assistant
  • Lecturer of FASAVA Asian Small Animal Veterinarians Federation
  • Founder and Chairman of ABRA Asian Animal Behavior Resources Association
  • PennyAcademy Behavioral Medicine and Training Course Instructor
  • Director of Dadun Pet Behavior Specialist Hospital
  • The first Chinese to give a speech on animal behavior in TEDx
  • Appeared in the international media many times:
    People & Travel、Taipei Times in US
  • Taiwan Kangxi TV program “pet clinic” to contract a veterinarian.
  • Specially invited pet behavior expert of Tiantian Shangshang TV Program in China

He is also the writer of the best-selling pet behavior books in Asia, writing
【Teaches you how to effectively solve 100 behavioral problems of dogs 1】
【Teaches you how to effectively solve 100 behavioral problems of dogs 2】
【Teach Dogs like this, Comfortable will you be 1】
【Teach Dogs like this, Comfortable will you be 2】
【Teach Cats like this, So happy the Owners are.】
And in the early years
【The fantasy world of dogs】【Don’t just give me a bone.】
【Cat and dog war】【Cat’s fantasy world】
【What !Dare to bite me!】